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Regulations & Rules

The minutes/regulations in English are translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version prevails.


  1. Regulations on Information Security and Intellectual Property Rights Committee

Library Services

  1. Regulations for Access to the Library (update_20170614)
  2. Regulations for Management of Readers’ Violations (update_20150814)
  3. Service Charge Standards (update_20110518)
  4. Library Guidelines on Usage of Audiovisual and Multimedia Materials (update_20150814)
  5. Regulations for Discussion Rooms(update 20210621)
  6. Regulations for Study Carrel(update 20210621)
  7. Thesis Management Regulations(update_20200429)
  8. Regulations for Learning Plaza(update_20150914)
  9. Office of Library and Information Services Place Use and Charge Policy(update_20221102)
  10. Regulations for Course Reserves(update_20161221)
  11. Guidelines on Disposal of Library Collection(update_20140529)

Information Services

  1. Regulations for Internet Network Use on Campus (update_20150720)
  2. Regulations of Email Usage Management (update_20150720)
  3. Regulations on Information Ethics (update_20150806)
  4. Regulations for Internet Network in Student Dormitories (update_20150720)
  5. Regulations for On-Campus Wi-Fi Usage (update_20150720)
  6. Regulations on Usage of Campus Smart Telecommunications Network Voice over IP Phones (update_20150814)
  7. Guidelines on Governing the Collection and Reimbursement of Computer Facility and Internet Resource Utilization Fees (Update20151007)
  8. Guidelines on Cloud Service Hire Charge and Expenditures Verification (update_20200306)
  9. Information Service Interruption and Recovery Processing Operation Procedure(20151008)
  10. Guidelines on Campus Internet Protocol and Domain name(update_20211206)
  11. Guidelines on Public Computers and Computer Classroom(update_20211206)
  12. Regulations for Data Center(update_20211206)